Dxm after Benzedrex?
I told myself I wasn’t gonna do any cottons again until I get my hands on some more weed. Now I have some, but I don’t know whether to choose benz or dxm.
On one hand, I’ve been eager to do Benz again ever since I tried it last time, which was my first time. Mostly bc I just wanna stimfap I’ll admit. But I’m not really prepared for it rn because I haven’t been drinking as much water as I should, and last time I wasn’t that horny because I jerked the day before. Or maybe it was bc I smoked a bowl right after drinking the extraction. But nevertheless I was gonna wait 3 days no fap drinking water all the time and then I dose. But I don’t want the weed to sit there for too long cuz last time it literally disintegrated. That’s probably bc I don’t have it in a jar or anything but I’m paranoid abt it now, and I am planning to use it to make the comedown easier. Will it make it any easier?
But on the other hand, i also was waiting to have weed to do dxm again. Because last time i smoke weed like 5 or 6 hours into a poli trip and it was like I unlocked everything. The music is enhancement was blatant and I was literally floating. So fun. But then again, I don’t fein for dxm like I do Benzedrex. Maybe that’s because it’s not integrated with porn like Benz is but whatever. I also don’t want my dick to not work for a week. That’s shits so annoying and it’ll be ten times more frustrating when I’m waiting to do benz at the same time.
What are your thoughts on this? I’m leaning towards the Benz first. I know it’s not safe to do too close to each other, but will it be the end of the world? I might not even do the dxm after and I will wait til I get another batch of weed so it can be a longer tolerance break