Anyone feel the HA has given them rubbish advice?

Had our 9-12 month appointment today as my baby is 11 months. I’m not one to generally say I know more than a medical professional, but I feel so much of what I was told was total bollocks and I came out of my appointment feeling like an awful parent.

I breastfeed, but give my daughter 3 meals a day. I was told I should be only giving her snacks between meals and I should stop breastfeeding in the daytime entirely.

I was told I should feed her less fat like I do. I give her Greek yoghurt, homemade hummus, avocado, nut butters etc. alongside carbs and protein, but was told to essentially replace the fat with white rice and white bread.

I was told she doesn’t have enough toys. I try and keep only 3 toys out at once based on research I’ve read, but I was told she’s curious and needs more interaction.

The HA said I should stop talking to her like I do. I narrate our day and point out objects, ask questions etc. but still talk in full sentences and in an adult tone of voice (unless I’m being silly with her) and she kept reminding me she’s a child and I should vary my language and tone of voice as such. I don’t talk about adult topics.

She also said she was worried because she’s delayed on her gross motor skills because she pulls herself up to stand but doesn’t cruise yet. I think it’s too early to be worried?

Has anyone come out of one of these appointments feeling terrible or annoyed?

Edit: thanks all for sharing your stories and giving me the support I needed to trust my own instincts. I read all of the replies and really appreciate everyone taking the time to comment. I think the NHS are seriously lacking here. I’ve had a look and much prefer the Australian government’s child development recommendations so I think I might just go by that when I need a reference.