Reddit Creates a Script... with a theme! [Minion] #5
If you're new here, the idea is to create, one at a time, a character that follows the script theme. Think how BMR resolves around figuring out deaths and SNV around lots of information and misdirection.
Our script's mechanical theme is: "characters".
Forget "players". Learn and guess characters, kill and poison characters, swap characters! Maybe it is useful to hide yours until the last moment, or maybe it wants to be public asap?
Last winner was u/Mostropi with the Split (Outsider) entry, which reads "You start by choosing another character. You are good if they are in play, and evil if not (you don't know which), even if drunk or poisoned."
A similar character to the Ogre, but specific to the interactions in this script. This character can end up making weird decisions if they believe they are evil, but could end up on the less damaging side as far as Outsiders go. Nonetheless, a very fun and welcome addition to the script.
For today
Finally, our first Minion will be created!
Reddit, what would a Minion do in our script? Misdirection? Chaos? Information? Demon Protection? Transformations? You decide.
The most upvoted suggestion will make it into the script, but submissions can be repeated in future threads if they don't make it.