Attempt at teensy script

Hello, I am kind of a new player (I've played around 20/30 games) and I wanted to try to create a script with Lil' Monsta for 5/6 players. I tried a few things and I am stuck on this version. I do not feel perfect, but good as some potent information role and some way to use more mechanical power to confirm characters. Outsiders are here to disrupt information.

What would you change / improve ? Is there any advice on script building I should take into account ? I tried reading what I could about script building but it seems like a precise and complex endeavour.

Thank you.

Hello, I am kind of a new player (I've played around 20/30 games) and I wanted to try to create a script with Lil' Monsta for 5/6 players. I tried a few things and I am stuck on this version. I do not feel perfect, but good as some potent information role and some way to use more mechanical power to confirm characters. Outsiders are here to disrupt information.

What would you change / improve ? Is there any advice on script building I should take into account ? I tried reading what I could about script building but it seems like a precise and complex endeavour.

Thank you.