Expat Journal: what I've learned so far..

  1. My nickname means cum in BM; a really cool fact I can live with. Makes way for interesting conversations on a date.
  2. According to some folks I've bumped into, I pass as an Italian, which is weird, and far af from my actual ethnicity. Never got this comment till recently.
  3. To talk about smoking cigarettes, you must say hisap rokok; the full form. Without the 'rokok', hisap means To suck.
  4. Malay girls can REALLY drink.
  5. I understood Malaysians in general and Malays in particular to be conservative, but that's not the case. Some are living very, very hypersexual lifestyles.
  6. Chinese girls aren't keen to step out of their shells & circles.
  7. Bars will try to cheat you on the bill if you're not paying attention enough.
  8. Quite many Malays have secretly/quietly parted ways with their religion. Nonreligiousness is not rare out here.
  9. Mualaf, a word for people who convert to Islam. In other countries I've lived in, they'd be called either converts or reverts. Malaysia has a specific term for such a person.

That's it for now I guess. Thanks.