Expat Journal: what I've learned so far..
- My nickname means cum in BM; a really cool fact I can live with. Makes way for interesting conversations on a date.
- According to some folks I've bumped into, I pass as an Italian, which is weird, and far af from my actual ethnicity. Never got this comment till recently.
- To talk about smoking cigarettes, you must say hisap rokok; the full form. Without the 'rokok', hisap means To suck.
- Malay girls can REALLY drink.
- I understood Malaysians in general and Malays in particular to be conservative, but that's not the case. Some are living very, very hypersexual lifestyles.
- Chinese girls aren't keen to step out of their shells & circles.
- Bars will try to cheat you on the bill if you're not paying attention enough.
- Quite many Malays have secretly/quietly parted ways with their religion. Nonreligiousness is not rare out here.
- Mualaf, a word for people who convert to Islam. In other countries I've lived in, they'd be called either converts or reverts. Malaysia has a specific term for such a person.
That's it for now I guess. Thanks.