Rant: Friend saying face reaction when speaking a fact can be haram

For starters Im a non-bumi and was talking to a muslim friend in a casual convo. So the convo took interesting path and I said that there were a lot of interracial marriage happening between muslim and non-muslim nowadays.I was pretty carefree when I said that bc I was just stating an obvious fact. I didn’t even say if its a good thing or wrong thing.I was just stating it. Then all hell went loose. He was angry with the reaction I had when I was saying that. He said Im flexing it and it is a wrong thing to do and haram in Islam. Im like wtf bro literally stating the obvious fact has nothing to do with my reaction. It is legal and shit. But no he said my joyful expression when speaking is haram and brings image of my race down.He said think In my shoes, If I heard any muslim is coverting to another religion I would be sad bc it bring disgrace to my religion. You should also think that way and have a sad reaction when saying it.He said something along the lines of “your reaksi boleh make me fitnah you”

Is having a joyful expression rlly that bad? I mean I wasnt talking about death and shi.Interacial marriage is an act which is legal i suppose

Can anyone confirm if what I did is bad?