Replaying through Wonderlands again and I gotta say… this game does NOT get the respect it deserves
Yes, the DLC’s were about a 2/10 all combined. And while I understand why most dislike the endgame, I kinda enjoyed it. Love me some rogue-like content.
But the gameplay, the story, the writing, the quests! They’re all phenomenal. Honestly I’d say The Dragon Lord is second only to Handsome Jack as a villain. The game captures the beautiful chaos that is a DnD campaign (or in this case a BnB campaign), there is tons of silly content and references, and it feels awesome.
And not to mention the character agency. There are different voices you can choose, all with their own lines for each quest, the hundreds of other character customizations through eyes, skin color, face shape, armor pattern and color, etc. I mean the game lets you do pretty much everything in the character creator.
The game is a strong 8.5/10 honestly and it bums me out to constantly see people giving it less than it deserves.