Ultimate Badass Muggers completely ruin UVHM

I've gotten to UVHM on TPS a couple times, typically with Claptrap as he's my favorite VH. I have recently killed Deadlift with a Longnail and a lot ot luck. Why the fuck am I fighting his doppelganger in every large scale bandit encounter?

They're all just Deadlift but worse because at least with him you had a good amount of space to work with, Badass Muggers just cannot be killed like, at all. Not with cryo, not with slam stunlocking, not with Longnail cheese.

Sure, BL2 has worse crowd balance thanks to needing to work around slag, and BL3 has more frequent immortal one-shotters, but UBMs piss me off way more because you just cannot fucking counter them no matter what.

Fighting ECLIPSE & EOS in TVHM is infinitely easier than fighting one UBM.