my ex gave me mixed signals

he recently broke up with me... for the third time. he was the nicest person ever, but i always pushed his buttons that's why i completely understand him for leaving me. my only problem is that i do not know if i should keep waiting for him or just move on.

i once asked for a confirmation if we have really broken up and WON'T have a chance in the future. he said yes. then a day after, he told me "it's not that i can never see myself with you again, but we really need time okay?" after that, i asked him "so is there a chance you'll still come back to me in the future or none?" then he said nothing's on his mind 😭😭😢😢 so i said "my hope are up now" then he lastly replied with "don't expect".

i am really confused and i would do anything to get him back. yesterday i reached out to him saying that he should take care of himself always other things (it has been 5 days since he last talked to me). he left those messages on seen. then, i told him that i went to the university he goes to (which is 3 hours away from where i live from) but his friend told me he was having a test so i just left right after. he never opened that message, so after 2 whole hours of waiting i ended up removing it.

i would really appreciate a feedback from all of you. please please help me out, i really do not know what decision to make.