I can’t delete our photos still

I’m trying my hardest to move on, but our photos are still hidden on my phone. I miss you, and I miss how loved you made me feel A.

I delete a few everyday to try and make progress, but then I see one of you lying on my chest, cuddled into my neck and I just start bawling. I see one of your smile, I hear your voice again. I miss wearing your stupid, amazing Cheeto pyjamas. I miss the way your bed smelled on the cold mornings where i would wake up with your hand on my leg. I miss trying disgusting candy, and mixing atrocious drinks together. As soon as my plane home landed, all I wanted to do was fall asleep on your lap in the car on the way home.

You were the first person who I felt truly loved and respected me for who I am and who I was becoming. You never tried to change who I was, and I appreciate you for that.

We’ve been apart longer than we were even together now and I’m still hurting, and I’m still wondering what I did to make you leave so suddenly. All I ever wanted to do was love you, all I ever wanted to do was give you the kind of soft love you had never received. The fact that I still love you makes me feel so pathetic. I don’t think I’ll ever move on completely from us. I miss you, I doubt you’ll see this, but you know my reddit. Please speak to me again, you’re unblocked and have been for a while now.