Tips on Standing Room for Maybe Happy Ending (and on a Saturday)?

Hi! I've seen MHE and love it (of course!) and want to take a friend who's okay doing standing room to save $. Seeing all the discussion about the randomness of seat location with in-person rush and the lottery, I'd rather just stand and get a guaranteed good view. Can anyone explain how the sale of standing room works? I'm happy to get to the box office early day-of, but am not sure I will be sold standing immediately or if I need to let others first buy all the partial view (some apparently terribly quite bad) seats before they will sell the standing room.

It's for tomorrow (Saturday night) so I would assume it will eventually sell out though now that I look at Telecharge I see they have dozens of unsold seats, so maybe they won't have standing, at least when the box office opens?

Or should I go to the box office window and see what seats they offer for rush and maybe buy them if they aren't the worst partial view?

I also see tonight (Friday) it's on TKTS LIve for 30% off ($79-149). My friend may go for the $79 but I'm not sure how good/bad those seats are.