Is this person the one for Dazai?
Ok, So I am going to explain a girl to you, and I want your honest opinion about her and whether or not will Dazai fall in love with her?
So, this girl/woman was su**idal in her previous life and wanted to take her life because someone betrayed her and gave her loss, she wanted to end the pain, but once again she kept living since, she saw how much pain Dazai has went through and he keeps living,
Skip to Later on, This Girl has morals and is kind of innocent and not so smart and has a very powerful ability that can't be nullify by Dazai and also, she is beautiful but average looking, she represents purity and sunshine like she can never do something evil, but here comes the main part,
she is completely obsessed over Dazai, like Dazai is her reason to live, she will die for Dazai, kill herself a second time and do anything for Dazai at this point, she doesn't have any other passion though she likes writing, but her main world is Dazai, she truly cares about him and will protect him like from stopping him from committing sewerslide and her life purpose is to make Dazai happy,the thing is, she might do something bad cause of Dazai, and she tries to protect people she loves, like Akutagawa others... but she can do anything for Dazai
She thinks of Dazai so highly and respects him, just like a fangirl, the thing that made her fall in love with Dazai is how he used to be a bad person, going around killing people but how his purpose now is to save people, and how Dazai has changed, she sees this as motivation,
So would Dazai be completely smitten by her? what would he think of her? is this the kind of person who will change Dazai? and make him fall in love? and marry her?