Cr10 v3 under extrusion (?)
Kinda at my wits end with this printer, I went to go start a print today and it was fine for about 10 minutes and then it just stopped extruding. I took everything apart and since then I’ve: cleaned out the nozzle and Bowden tube, played around with the tightness of the extruder spring, loosened the tightness of the top right screw of the acrylic case, adjusted my retraction settings, bypassed the direct drive to reduce friction, and increased the printing temperature to 215. The only lead I have right now is that there’s a bit of resistance when inserting filament into the tube that goes into the hotend (I used the filament last week just fine and it seems dry), and the extruder gear may be grinding the filament (I’ve seen filament dust near the gear after every attempt but never anything more than some rough texture on the filament itself). Any ideas? Like I had said I could really only guess that the extruder gear is too close to the filament and is causing some type of repeated partial clog?
Here are the setting by the way: Print temp 215 Print speed 70 Retraction distance 1.0 Retraction speed 45 Retraction minimum travel 3.0 (If you need additional settings let me know, I’m pretty new to tinkering with settings)