This game needs a lot of work
I'm currently playing on my Switch and the game definitely is beta. It is very glitchy and buggy. While I'm playing the game, there are weird lines running up and down the screen. There's also a weird glitch where the entire "village" runs to your cafe and gets stuck at the gate. I have compiled a list of things that I think need some improve.
- I'm assuming that the above glitch mentioned is not supposed to happen. If so, NPCs should not all start dashing to your cafe at the same time. That is very weird.
- Cafe management: The main point of the game is that you run a cafe. However, there really isn't any "cafe management". You cannot see the price of items being sold and you cannot determine the quantity of items being sold. You also cannot make decisions such as which items should you have on your display. This should change based on the season and demand. There should be a possibility of your business failing. It is way too easy. I also cannot see the hours of operation. I should also be allowed to hire staff to take care of my cafe while I am gone. There should be mini games for cafe management and cooking/baking. Maybe something similar to Cooking Mama.
- There are virtually no male characters. This is weird. I understand that this is a "magical girl" type of thing, but I'm sure that there are males interested in this genre.
- Option for romance and marriage like other life/farm sims. Which is another reason why I think we need more male characters. People that are interested in males should have better options. But then again, there are not enough options for people interested in females either.
- For a city and village, this game is super empty.
- There is no supermarket, farm or hospital/clinic. WHERE is your character getting supplies for her cafe? Supplies shouldn't just be readily available. You should have to buy or grow your own ingredients which can make baking certain things more difficult which would up the difficulty
- NPCs standing outside of their house/stores at all hours of the day. This is so weird. NPCs need a schedule. They should not be doing the same thing ALL DAY LONG. Standing outside of their house or shop is very weird and breaks immersion. They have homes, why are they not in them?
- Shopowners should not have the option to sale me things if we're not in their store unless they're a traveling salesman
- There's a weird dialogue glitch were your options are doubled. For an example, an option will say "Ok" and then "Ok" again.
- The captions are poorly done since they're seen as speech bubbles over NPCs heads. The problem with this is that NPCs walk away and you cannot see what they're saying unless you try to move around your camera. The captions should show up at the bottom of the screen like say, Animal Crossing.
- Animals should have a profile or something so that you can determine if they belong to someone else. Right now, there is no way to tell if an animal belongs to someone.
- You should not be able to invite every type of animal from the get-go without doing cafe upgrades
- You should be able to use directional buttons for menu selections--using the left stick only is very annoying for me.
- Comic sans... Why?
- Mini map is badly needed
- Game should pause if you open the map
- NPCs would tell me that they haven't seen such and such forever and to deliver something for me when that NPC is standing right next to them. NPCs need to be aware of where they are. If they're in my cafe, I want them to speak to me as if they are.
- I think that it would up the difficulty if you can only finish food item quests if you and that NPC are both at the cafe at the same time
- Game does not recognize that you have already found an animal. So you have to change them to roam, then add them back to the cafe which is annoying. If it has already been done, NPCs should be able to recognize this.
- Should be able to decorate the cafe yard
- Clothing options kinda suck
I've only been playing for a few days and these are my current annoyances. It's a lot of problems for a game, but I realize it's an indie game so I'm going to help that they fix and improve this game.