Absolutely No Doxxing / Instigating Harassment

Absolutely no doxxing. And not just because it's against Reddit rule #3, which it is, but also because it's not ok.

Reddit Rule #3
Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent

The key phrase there is instigating harassment. Note that sharing personal information is not requisite. If you do this maliciously, you will be banned without warning. As despicable as you think someone may be, we cannot allow r/CambridgeMA to be a facilitator of harassment.

Per Reddit, significant public figures such as a CEO or elected official may be exceptions to rule #3 to a certain extent. A Presidential Cabinet secretary or advisor count as an exception to the rule. An employee of or contractor with the government doesn't.


Example of something that isn't malicious but will still result in post/comment removal without ban. Showing the license plate of someone who harmed you as a precaution to others or while seeking help.

Example of something malicious that will result in an insta-ban. Explicitly calling for the harrasment of a specific person.