Capital One Travel Refusing Refund?

Hi all! I'm at my wits end with Capital One Travel and need any advise you can offer... Back in October I had a Delta flight booked to Florida which I had to cancel due to the hurricanes. I wasn't worried about it however because I had paid the premium for "Main cabin refundable" seats. Well I went and cancelled my flight and it tells me that I am not eligible for a refund and they give me a travel credit that is almost 400 dollars less than what I paid. I have spoken to CapOne Travel probably 5 times now and Delta directly multiple times and each phone call ends with them agreeing that I am going to get a full refund to my credit card and to wait 7-10 business days... but it never happens... so I call back and have to go through the whole process again. This has gone on for months and I cannot for the life of me get them to give me a refund. I finally decided screw it I'll just take the loss and use the travel credit and at least get something back but I tried to use it and I get an error telling me to contact support. Has anyone else experienced this? It feels almost intentional in order to scam customers and just hope they give up before getting it resolved. I am sure most people would not have the time to spend 10+ hours on the phone trying to get this figured out like I have.

If anyone has any advise for what I can do to actually get what they say they owe me that would be awesome.