Why I think it is so hard to convert from Protestantism to Catholicism for some people

I've posted a few times about considering conversion, I'm currently Lutheran with a strong desire to convert to Catholicism. However I've seem to have stumbled into a blockage, and at times wished I was raised Atheist who then converts to Catholicism. Here's why I think that it is easier to change from Atheist to Catholic, then one denomination of Christianity to Catholicism.

Lutheranism and Catholicism are very similar in various things, but different in other things. This resulted in the feeling of abandoning something for something else so similar yet so foreign, while converting from Atheism would feel like discovery of something new. It is a very hard journey, like becoming a cook after so many years of being a metal worker, except spiritually.

The second thing is feeling like you would disrupt the family dynamic, I'm still 100% reliant on my parents and it would seem like betrayal towards them if I convert. Even with how my parents respect and appreciates Catholics as brothers and sisters, there are still talks of how Catholics are wrong about certain things. And I don't know how to handle that.

The third is... unbelief. Not the kind where I don't believe in God, but how it is hard, very hard for me to accept certain doctrines and practices that is alien to me, praying to saints is one of them. I've watched some appologetics (Trent Horn is a favourite), they won me over with Papal Primacy, Magisterial Teachings, certain Marian dogmas, but it is still hard to say the least to accept various differences that exists, which also doesn't help with...

Mental health, this one is self explanatory, fear of wronging God, fear of change, fear of falling out of the Catholic faith, you get the idea. I don't know if I'm on the autistic spectrum but every autistic friend I talk to certainly said that I show many signs of it, including pointing out how I seem to feel depressed all the time. Idk if that is true, I were never tested (which is a whole other can of worm), but I can certainly say that mental health is a really really big hurdle. If I don't understand my relationship with God now how would I feel comfortable with a decision that would in some ways change my relationship with Him, then?

Are there any Protestant to Catholic converts here that experience these too? How are your experiences before and after converting?