The City’s proposed budget graph vs. one I made in like 30 minutes.

So last week on wednesday, the City of Chattanooga posted this:

Now, you’ll notice that about 2/3rds of the proposed budget is going to the “Police + Fire Pension Fund”, while things like Public Health, Education, and Mobility get to split 2.3% of the budget. I get that the duties of our government get split between the city and the county, and that things can easily get messy to figure out as a non-goverment employee, but I also don’t like how this looks, in more ways than one.

The graph put out by the city is just a bad graph. Maybe this was a simple mistake on the part of the city’s graphic design team — but I kinda doubt it, since the City spent $246,000 to re-brand the City logo, located smack in the middle of both graphs. I hate to say it, but to me, it just looks like they want to downplay the fact that 2/3rds of the budget is going to cops (and firemen, but between the two, who have you heard complain about being underfunded more?).

So, I’ve taken the liberty of remaking the graph with accurate proportions. It’s also a higher-res, less crunchy-looking graph, since I wanted to flex on the City’s graphic design team, lol.

I’m considering presenting this at the next City Council meeting, since the only way that we can change anything about this is to be publicly pissed off about it, but in a civil way. They next meet on Tuesday at 3:30 (lmao, while everyone’s at work, of course) at the City Council Building at 1000 Lindsay Street downtown if anyone wants to join. Oh, and if you need any graphic design stuff done, I’m all ears for commissions!