Feeling like a fraud

I, 21 F, have been a lukewarm Christan since I was little. About a year and a half ago, I started taking my life with Christ seriously, regularly attending church, listening to worship music, reading my Bible. After awhile, I started to be more involved in my church. I started singing (I’ve become the main singer now), I lead a youth group of teens and also help with children’s church. I have been closer to God than I ever have. But recently I have just felt like a big fraud, everytime I worship in my car or on stage I get this thought “you’re doing this for show you don’t even love the Lord like you say you do” or “you still sinned today, you should be ashamed to pray. He’s mad at you. You’re going to hell” and it’s not true, I do love the Lord. I love Him so much for saving me. But it’s made me not want to read my Bible, or sing, or even pray. I feel like this is spiratual warfare or something but I just need advice. I feel like I’m pretending to be Christan, even though I’m not. And I know works don’t get you into heaven, but your faith in Jesus. But I’m just scared I’m not good enough or because sometimes I sin or doubt that He will tell me he won’t accept me into heaven. I just need advice, how should I approach this? What do I do?