Could We Have It Wrong About Gay People in Christianity?

I’m not questioning the life, death, or resurrection of Jesus—I fully accept those events. But it makes me wonder: if Jesus came down once to challenge the religious leaders of his time and correct their misinterpretations of God’s teachings, couldn’t he do it again today?

The religious authorities Jesus confronted were convinced they were following God’s will, yet they placed unnecessary burdens on people, missing the heart of God’s message. Isn’t it possible we’ve made similar mistakes in how we interpret scripture, especially when it comes to love and connection?

If Jesus returned today, could he tell us we’ve misunderstood what it means to be gay and that we’ve been placing unfair, man-made burdens on people instead of embracing the compassion, love, and grace he taught?

I’d love to hear thoughtful Christian perspectives on this. Could we have it wrong? Why or why not?