What is this I see?

Some here have some points, others give over to rage just as much as those they hate.

How can you hold a place for Christ in your heart when there is rage there?

I don't care which ideology you side on. Neither is correct. Figments of a politically constructed identity for those who have no desire to seek their own.

Such is true in either regard.

If one is to condemn you, does Christ tell you to condemn them in return?

Have you not been taught that if you do not forgive others, Christ will not forgive you.

So why have you cloaked yourself in the ideologies then? What men tell you to think or who you are.

Do you not know that there will be two women grinding wheat. One shall be taken, the other left behind?

Do you not know the days are evil? That you should not drink of wine and give to debauchery? But rather be wise in the Word of God?

If your brother casts a stone at you, sing for him. Praise Jesus and evil will flee. Rather than feed into the fire.

Come, I am but an infant in the light of Christ and I know these things. How do you not?

Be still, be humble. Trust in our Lord, God Almighty and praise His name and His Son who paid for all out sins for whoever believes, should be saved.

Why continue the quarreling? Why feed the flames? We are all our own and we have different interpretations of the teachings of Christ, yet they are plain as day.

Love one another as you love yourselves. Pray for your enemies. Give them food if they hunger, or drink if they thirst. In so doing you shall heap coals of fire on their heads.

Be still. Be humble.

I love you.