Baptism: "the second won't count"
When I was around 10 years old, my foster mother took me up into the mountains and had me baptized, but not any familiar sort of baptism. It was a very coarse baptism, just like how coarse she was to me. Just think of sand and liquid, those who know will understand.
Then, in my mid 20s I had gotten baptized for real, but it wasn't for the purpose intended. I was doing it to impress a woman I was lusting for at the time. Not to lay my sinful self to rest.
My brother tells me that anyone who fails their first baptism, the second baptism will not been seen by God.
I've been baptized in a different way over the last 4 months. Not by men, but by Jesus Christ. It's an ongoing baptism of fire. And I am becoming vastly stronger than who I was before. I'm becoming wiser in my knowledge of God. But I have yet to inscribe the fullness of God's word in my heart.
With that said, I have every intention of being baptized again. This time for the intended purpose, to lay my old sinful self to rest. To be risen as Christ was and made new. So that God might look down upon me and exclaim He is pleased.
I understand some may think it is unnecessary, but it is necessary to me. I need to do this.
Still, there is some doubt there. Is my brother correct that my second will not be seen?
And even if so, I still plan to do it because I know I need to. I just wonder if it will have any impact on how God sees me.
Edit: for some further clarification, I hadn't accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at the time. I hadn't asked of forgiveness or made any kind of repentance. I was not enlightened in any form at all. I barely knew a few scripture.
And the most logical thought that comes to mind is "so essentially, you just allowed yourself to be dunked under water to impress a girl"