Questions from an atheist
So I’ve never really been religious, never grew up religious, and never really had any religious experience. I have read the Bible to seek answers and all I’ve found are questions. So I’m just going to ask some here in hopes for answers.
If god is all loving why does he send nearly all of his children to hell for not believing in Christianity? think about it before Jesus was sent down to earth did everyone who passed on get sent to hell for simple not believing in something that hadn’t happened yet?
If god hates sin then why did he make it? I have heard people say he didn’t make it, but how is that possible if god is the creator of everything, how did one of his creations have the power to make something he couldn’t since he is incapable of sin?
I’ve seen Christian’s argue with the Big Bang theory by asking how it just spawned saying something must’ve made it happen. And my question in response to that is what made god if the universe can’t just come from nothing and everything has to come from something then what made god why does it make sense for god to just spawn in but not the universe.
I don’t mean to be rude with these questions they are just questions I’d like to hear Christian’s response to. Have a good day.