Why is christianity so split and against each other?
John 17:21 "father i Pray that they will be one just as you and I are one"
Everyone keeps arguing about "the true church" even though all of our actions stray further away from the true church, as of now christianity is split between 3 denominations (5 if you count the cote and non trinitarians) and all of them claim to be the one and true church but each church has their own right to be split from one another
The catholic churches reason was that the eastern side of the roman empire was not keeping the tradition of apostolic succession (matthew 16:18-19)
The orthodox reason was the patriarch of rome was being too demanding and forcefullof being the right hand of God
The protostants reason was because the catholic church did traditions that were never mentioned in the bible in the first place, bill werts said it best
Hey Christians(Catholics) do you sin? You can now buy your way out of hell
Martin luther: "this is bullshit this whole thing is bullshit it's a scam f*** the church here's 95 reasons why"
It took them a whole reformation just to restart the catholic church
Seriously everyone is so worried about people not being part of the faith but everyone in the faith also don't understand a thing about it too, I was raised catholic my whole life and studied at a catholic church all this "The (denomination name) is the only true church" is all so wrong
Even in my catholic school teachers distinguish catholics and Christians even though all believers of the Resurrection and sacrifice of christ are considered Christians already, you can be non denominational while believing in Christ that still makes you Christian people cant wrap their head around "you dont need a denomination to be Christian you need faith"
People follow a religion not the teachings of christ