Funny Irish spring 5 in 1 story…
Yesterday while at the grocery store I was picking up body wash (not Irish spring) there was an older gentleman asking a worker if they had any of the body wash in back. This is conversation I hear.
Man - excuse me do you have any Irish spring body wash in back.
Worker- no if it’s not on the shelf we are out.
Man - thanks
Different worker- it’s weird lately people have been coming in and asking for Irish spring body wash a lot.
Worker - yea and people have asked if we have any more than once. Is Irish spring that good?
Different worker - idk I’m gonna buy some and try it. It has to be amazing the way we are selling out of it. It’s weird I always thought it was an old person soap.
Worker- we use to use the bars around the farm to keep mosquitos and flies away.
Me off to the side… laughing and thinking of this group.