Finding yourself
i hope you are doing just fine. I can clearly say that i went through nervous breakdown or maybe if you want to call it as a psychotic breakdown. Man it was a horrible and also the most beautiful journey that i ever went through.
I had psychosis and it was most brutally awful experience. I started to see UFOs moving in the sky and what not. It felt like i was living an intense movie.
It was the time that i used to have severe mental and emotional upheaval as i was used to cry every single day because everything was going against my way. I started to lose my identity like complete dissolution of my sense of self. I didn't know who I was. It felt like i fell down into the abyss and no way to climb up. But during that moment i discovered something else which you would say completely out of fiction. I discovered god. I just can't express it in words. It felt like the universe was talking to me every single moment and it still talking to me through synchronicities. But the journey was beautiful but i feel that I'm lacking in something and that is my identity. I don't know who I am anymore. I lost that person who i was. I don't know how to bring that amazing person back. I want to find myself after nervous breakdown or psychosis. Please let me know your thoughts on how to get my identity back.