Thanks my wife is safer now
So my wife works nights in the ER and has terrible starbursts that make it very challenging for her to feel confident driving at night. For over a decade every night she leaves for work we both worry about her trip there and how bad it will be to come home the next day.
To be clear I know level 2 driving is not an autopilot and she doesn’t intend to use it that way.
But the additional confidence and safety for those brief moments she’s passing an oncoming car at night with high beams or in the rain on a 2 lane road almost brought her to tears.
I feel a little more comfortable with her driving home after a long shift as well.
Just wanted to pat the devs on the back and ask them to keep going. It’s good work and it makes a tangible difference in our lives. You might have added a few years to her career and life by reducing stress.