Is it illegal to have employees clock out for bathroom breaks in CT?

I work full time in an office in CT. It's a salaried position making $60k/year. It is not hourly.

My boss pulls me into their office and starts complaining that I'm taking "too long" in the bathroom and that I take "like 15 minutes" in the bathroom. Boss made it seem like I'm using bathroom breaks for the same time as the 30 minute lunch break. Boss hinted that I should clock out whenever I use the bathroom. We use ADP to clock our time, so I can clock out for a short break and put a note that I'm using the bathroom.

I do not spend 15 minutes in the bathroom. I just take several normally timed bathroom breaks whenever I need them.

So my main question is, is this illegal according to the Department of Labor in Connecticut? I thought I read that employees should be given bathroom breaks while on the clock. Could I just screenshot a page of ADP, where I log my bathroom breaks, and send it to the CT DOL, and my employer will be punished for it?