People who think it’s wrong to care about bodycount are usually insecure
While it is objectively wrong to ridicule or harass someone for their body count, I’ve seen a lot of people shift from the idea that it’s messed up to care about a strangers body count and it’s messed up to slutshame to if you care about your partners body count you’re automatically slutshaming them, you’re insecure, and they should be able to lie to you about it.
I think that as long as someone’s not being a hypocrite it’s not wrong to care about a potential partners body count and expect to not be lied to. If it’s a higher number and you don’t know just say you don’t know. If it’s something you don’t wanna share, tell them you refuse to share it. If that person has a low body count themselves and wants someone with similar experience there’s no reason that’s wrong. When I see people who lie because the other person “can’t handle it” or they get upset someone doesn’t want to date them over a higher body count to me it screams insecure. You made sexual choices, not everyone is going to want to date someone with such a different outlook on sex from them. There are plenty of people who share your outlook or have a different one but don’t feel the need to share it with their partner. Date them, why care about people who don’t want you and try and shame and trick them?