A lot of white women say they’re blonde when their hair is just brown or USED to be blonde.

I’ve noticed this as a Black woman that a lot of White girls say they’re blonde when their hair is definitely brown. They claim it’s just dark blonde or dirty blonde, but it’s just light brown. My theory is that lots of white people are born with blonde hair and it turns brown as they get older and develop more melanin. Truly blonde people half the time had very little hair that was like almost white. Hair color can be subjective if it’s truly on the cusp of two colors but this is extreme. I even had someone get mad at me because they asked me what color I would say their hair is and I said light brown.

I see people say shades like this are dirty blonde. Like that dirt is BROWN.


THIS is dirty/dark blonde. It started out super light then darkened into still blonde


Or this
