Newcomer to Brandon Sanderson Books: Can I just pick up any series and start reading?
Recently I picked up Way of Kings, and I've been wondering: is there anything else I should know or read before I go into this?
The only background info I know going into this is that: 1) most of BS's books take place in the Cosmere 2) that worldhopping (whose mechanics I know nothing about) exists. 3) that there's this one guy who shows up in most of his books 4) that there are, I believe, "shards of adolnasium" who are Gods that represent different aspects and who show up in various stories.
Is this context sufficient? Am I missing anything significant by not reading his other works first, or is it just Easter Eggs? I've heard that the crossovers are becoming more significant, and so I'm wondering if SLA is one of the series where the crossovers are so impactful that I need background info.