Unpopular opinion about the max breakup.

Okay so unpopular opinion after watching both break up videos, and trust me I hate the pieces as much as the next but for some reason my gut is telling me to believe max. He is a dipshit and doesn’t know basic life skills yes but he seems genuine and the tags she put, the crying, the 22 minute point, the asking for subscribers??? It all seems very set up and deliberate. Also don’t blame him for wanting the ring back… should they have gotten engaged after 6 months at 18 years old? Hell no. Should he have put her face all over his video? Hell no. But I do believe him over her. Her lying to her father about an engagement has me feeling a type of way. I don’t blame him at all. Again, I’m in no way defending him but the whole situation is ducked up so I don’t know… mommy dearests second child in a failed engagement before 20 is what boggles my mind the most. Hoping the other kids do not follow in these footsteps