Is Iron Banner Hardcore SBMM?
Sorry if this has been discussed because I couldn’t find anything specifically on it but I am an above average player (2KD trials 200+ Flawlesses who doesn’t use striker Titan lol) but every game feels like I’m getting mlg sweats who team shoot like they’re playing trials. I got barked at in other subreddits bringing this up but just wanted to confirm if this is actually the case. If so, why does Bungie want to entirely ruin any shred of casual fun left the PvP side of the game has? I learned how to get efficient at the game so I wouldn’t have to sweat every game of my life but it feels if I don’t use meta load-outs and meta builds I won’t be winning in an incredibly casual playlist (at least it used to be). Any ideas or have I just gotten old and forgot how to aim?