The Pulse / Fusion guy

I just came back to Destiny after a 2 year break. I've played crucible for years and years. I'm not insane - but pretty good. 1.8 trials kd with 135x flawless.

For some reason the whole HC, shotty and Stompees thing has never clicked for me. Even when I played a lot, pulse was better for me than HC. Shotty I was ok but just average. When sidearms were good I'd rather use those. The loadout I used and excelled with before taking the 2 year break was Dragon Shadow, Sniper and smg.

Now, I just want to play some crucible here and there and not put hours into it (I'm 39 years old). I've tried all the different weapons and just nothing is as easy to use as Frosty and a rapid fusion (I use Full Composure because I don't have Zealot's Reward). I use Knucklehead radar and Void hunter with invis. I should add, that specifically rapid frame fusions are super easy to use. The charge is so short you don't need to master pre-charging and stuff like that.

This loadout is just so easy to use and I'll do very well against anyone but the tip top players. I GET why it's cheesy lol, and I'll get T-bagged by the nutty shotty HC players, but I mean, if the objective is to win, this is just very strong and multitudes of levels easier than mastering HC and Shotty (which as mentioned, I've just never been able to do). You can play at comfortable ranges without having to really get in there, and both weapons can still do well in close range as well.

I've felt it when I'm against that insane player with HC shotty that you just can't even hit their movement is so good, and it makes me ponder if a HC Shotty would be better against a player like that, but really I know that player would just beat me in all circumstances.

So anyways, given the amount of time I have to play, and my skill set, it makes sense for me to go with this loadout. Feels cheesy but if the goal is to be the best I can with what I've got, I don't see how this is going to be beat. If you're not an extreme sweat, I'd go with it. It just works.