I stumbled on a YouTube ad for a crypto profiting opportunity. You would check a website that lists multiple different investment sites’ prices for crypto and they differed slightly. You would just transfer your crypto to a site with a slightly higher price and boom you made some buck. Here’s how the scam works, the YouTube channel posts lots of videos directing people to this “legit crypto price website”. The highest priced site is the one being run by the scammers. You setup an account and transfer your crypto and then it’s basically locked. To withdraw they require you to deposit more money. Steer clear of these sites. The YouTube page has already been taken down.
There’s so many more of these fake crypto wallet websites that are linked to this operation.
Edit: Forgot to mention but stackstash and aximetria are both run under one llc, CRYPTO ARBY TRADE LIMITED. It’s a British company that closed a couple years ago. The person I was talking to on support actually slipped up and sent me a link to aximetria (a completely “different” website/service) when I was using stackstash but I was able to login to that website with my stackstash account info.