How Do You Manage CSM Performance to Prevent Churn Before It’s Too Late?

I’m grappling with a big challenge and could use some advice. My team has been struggling with churn lately, and the root cause seems to be some customers falling through the cracks because individual CSMs aren’t giving them the attention they need.

By the time I realize a customer is on the verge of leaving, it’s already too late. My win rate at that stage is abysmal. I know I need to get ahead of this, but I’m not sure where to start when it comes to managing and evaluating each CSM’s performance in relation to their customers.

Here’s what I’m wondering:

  • How do you track individual CSM performance in a way that ties back to customer outcomes?
  • What systems do you have in place to make sure no customer gets neglected?
  • If you have been able to introduce and track the performance per CSM, does it lose team trust (i.e. will my employees think I'm tracking them and hate me)?

I’m looking for actionable ideas or stories from your experience that I can take back to my team. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights!

side note - if you are a CSM, am I thinking about this the wrong way for my team? I don't want to come off as an authoritarian