If you know anything relating to deep hacking - please PLEASE read

My friend is being viciously (and I mean VICIOUSLY) attacked by a remote hacker - this had been ongoing for 5 months and he has pretty much destroyed everything; from identity theft to her online business, social media accounts and 15 year of Google photos; including her children and them growing up. This all began when he/They sent her an attachment and posed as a freelancer; it took time but slowly the dirty rat crept in and last November he remotely locked her bios on two home computers, broke her printers, and hijacked her home network while turning her security cameras on. He was able to sim swap with cricket wireless, received all 2fa codes, accessed all of her accounts, and had her believing she was on real, legitimate websites, but they were fake. NOW, he somehow has her car, 2025 Chevy Blazer, hacked into and he controls her locks, radio (at times) he runs several applications and even has his own personal hot spot that he has named and given a password to - please note Sirius and OnStar are completely inactive - he will prohibit her from all activity online, end her phone calls, delete photos (it intensifies when she pisses him off and kicks him out of Gmail or disables the settings he has adjusted on her phone) he has files and files on folders in her Gmail that he regularly backs up collecting data on web activity, social accounts, fitness, HEATBEAT, ETC ETC. She has not had wifi or cable in her home since Christmas and her children cannot even completely their school work; she constantly feels like she is battling Satan and spends most days at the library where he will continue to torment her; like today, she needed to fax documents to chase as she is disputing a charge due to his identity theft and attempted to make the fax go through 8 times as he intercepted each fax and would not allow it to go through. She feels like he is always and I mean ALWAYS 10 STEPS AHEAD OF HER AND . she has filed reports with every government agency you can possibly think of, many of them 2 and 3 times, still, nobody will help the poor girl. She will pay, she just desperately needs help, please someone who can help her