Okay you guys, tell me if I'm crazy.
TL;DR just read the last paragraph for the mechanics of the fight without context if you'd like it.
I legit need somebody to tell me if this is a bad idea and/or give me ideas to better execute my intentions. So...
I'm narrating a game of that Marvel Multiverse RPG, and I have been for about a year ~ year and a half now and it's time to start planning for the end of the first big arc. (At minimum, 7 weeks away. Probably more) I've got 5 players and I know I'm putting em up against Galactus. I've got a mannequin that's gonna be the battle map/Galactus mini, I've got stats at the highest level in the game for each of his individual body parts, I've got ways for them to try and reason with him and different outcomes, I've got helpful secrets hidden in his moon sized spaceship, and most important for this post, I've got 5 mini boss battles that have to be completed in order to make him at all vulnerable to health or focus damage. It's not the Galactus fight I need help with (though I am open to suggestions), it's the 5 mini bosses.
I've got 5 players (a stealth based psychic, an animal based brawler, a super speed based caster, an intelligence/tech based weather controller, and a sort of jack of all trades master of none type). I'm gonna give them 5 heralds of Galactus (Terrax, Airwalker, Firelord, Stardust, and Silver Surfer) each guarding some machine that, I guess, important for devouring worlds. And they're all in different locations around the world that the players have visited. I plan to have each of the players draft and lead a team consisting themselves and 4 of their allies from throughout the game to each, simultaneously, take on the 5 Heralds of Galactus. Now, obviously, that would be insanely complex to run. So I've got some ideas on how to make it run smooth, it would be a big help if you could let me know what y'all think.
Before the fight starts I've got a scene where they'll find all their allies and get some story stuff resolved and that'll lead into the drafting and the fighting. Just before the fight I'll sort of "pause" the world to let the players decide their strategies and whose going to go after who, etc. I'll also explain these modified mechanics to them (I do stuff like this from time to time so they're used to it and I know they like it.) They've got one allie, a Skrull whose home was devoured by Galactus when they were a child, who can give them information but it might be tinted by religious fervor and a mythic fear. I'll lay out all their allies character sheets and let them draft their teams to fit their needs. They'll need to not only cater their teams to their own playstyles and their chosen enemies weaknesses, but also to make sure they can disable the machines. Then I'm gonna have them roll initiative NOT to see what order they go in in their flights, but to see what order each individual fight goes in. Each individual fight scene will be one round of initiative and then we'll go to the next round of the next fight scene. (For example the psychic fights silver surfer for a little bit then we go to the animal guy fighting Firelord or something for a little bit.) each individual fight scene will follow the same initiative. It'll go player first where they'll take their move like normal, and at the end of their turn they have to give orders to their team. Then the Herald of Galactus will go and may affect the orders that they've given. Then I'll control team members who will do their best to fulfill the orders given to them. The team members can improvise if they have to but some orders may become impossible. Then an environmental turn which reshapes the battlefield. Then we go into the next fight scene in initiative. Thoughts?