Good morning, kiddo (it's 04 Jan 2025)

Ah! ...<rubs hands>... That was a really nice Friday evening. Good food - and an enjoyable movie.

Now, today! ...<raised finger>... Today it starts for me. The first --small!-- groceries and errands of the year. Preparing for ...<pauses as toaster pings>... Yes! Rye toasts! ...<grins>... You know what that means, right? Right! Microwave poached eggs on rye! Yum! ...<looks around for knife>... Ah, there! ...<starts buttering toasts while the eggs are in the microwave>...

So, what was I saying? ...<pauses buttering, frowns lightly, looking up at the ceiling>... Ah yes! Preparing. Yes, preparing to The Big Comeback next week ...<grins>... Then it's full gear, come back to work, get this started, get the show on the road time. So, I definitely want to have my errands done. Ducks in a row, you know? ...<pauses again, frowning lightly again>... Now why in the world would we put ducks in a row? That makes no sense ...<wipes hands on jeans, whips out phone>...

...<mumbles>... "" ...<waits>... Oh, here.. Refers to setting up bowling pins, of all things, because they were often referred to as ducks. ...<puts phone away>...

I have most things in the house already, or still ...<slides eggs onto our toasts>..., but I need a handful of things for Monday. So ...<pauses once again, frowning deeply>... Ducks? Why in the world would you call bowling pins ducks?

...<looks things up>... Hm. So duckpin bowling uses pins that are both shorter and rounder than the ones we use in tenpin bowling. And apparently, people looked at them and were like, "that, my friend, resembles a duck." ...<looks unconvinced>... Well, there you have it...

...<is lost in thought a moment, pops out of it>... Food! Breakfast! Come, sit down. I'll be quiet, and you can tell me all about...well, whatever it is you want to talk about over breakfast!

  • Love, Dad

"Every common phrase has a story, a moment in history, that it carries forward into the future." - Evan Esar