Good morning, kiddo (it's 06 Jan 2025)
Heyyyy!!! Look at that!! The first new week of the new year! Resolutions and goal setting galore! ...<smiles>... Are you excited? I kinda am, I have to say. Looking forward to see and experience how I can keep it all together, consolidate what I have, improve where I want to.
...<scoops breakfast hash in bowls>... And you? Are you kind to yourself, kid? Patient with progress or perceived lack thereof?
...<nods>... There are few people so rude, so misunderstanding, so judgmental with us as we are ourselves. When we think of some of the people who've been really rude and mean with us, some of which we may have gone no contact, and compare it to how much of an as.....erm....jerk we can be to ourselves, it's staggering to see how we treat ourselves.
"I should be able to..."
"I'm too stupid..."
"Nobody likes me...."
"Why can't I...."
"I'll never...."
Now.... Who says these things to a human being? Who goes to their inner child and says, "Look, it's simple; you're stupid and you will never be able to XYZ."?
That's not nice. ...<places bowls on table, sits down with you>...
And that inner voice can be always pushing, always pushing for more. It's hard to catch sometimes, hard to give ourselves a break.
So ...<gestures with spoon>... Next time you notice you're talking to yourself about yourself, pay attention. Are you treating yourself right? Are you being kind and understanding? Are you being as accepting and non-judgmental as you desire other people to be with you?
...<nods>... You got this kid. You got you.
- Love, Dad