Good morning, kiddo (it's 20 Jan 2025)
Ahhhh, that's much better ...<feels refreshed>... That was one of those busy weeks, last weeks ...<considers>... Well, maybe not that busy but one of those periods where it feels very busy, and you feel you don't get to all the things you want or need to do every day.
Got caught up over the weekend. Had an amazing sleep last night ...<laughs>... Although I did that older person thing where I woke up super early anyway -- wouldn't have mind sleeping a bit longer, but all good.
And so, here we are! ...<proudly points out skillet with breakfast hash>... Ready for the day. Ready for the week. And -- looking forward to it.
...<puts food in out bowls, sits down for breakfast with you>... It's funny how it's the most unexpected, little things that keep you going sometimes. It can be looking forward to a bit of gaming time at the end of the day, or those few minutes of reading in bed before you fall asleep. Me, oddly enough I find a lot of daily joy in tinkering with my digital notes, of all things ...<laughs>... Hey, dads can be nerds as well, you know! ...<thinks about that>... Or are dads nerdy by default? ... Hmmm....
What's your thing?
- Love, Dad