Which doors/switches are actually gank fests?

It's a common complaint I've heard, and my only experience is with SotFS, which I know does make some less ganky. The only ones I remember (though I'm sure there have been a few I've forgot) are:

  • Shaded woods branch, though that one earns it and gives you a way to reduce it
  • Shrine of Amana 3rd bonfire door. Definitely the most "you're not running through this" I found, though you only have to do it once
  • Ancient Dragon. I know SotFS dramatically changed this, and gave you a way to make the run back a lot easier.
  • First door leading out of Brume tower. Has the problem of not being bad if you first try it (the stun from the smelter wedge gives enough time to make it), and its not that far from the next bonfire, though its not the easiest run

I know Iron Keep gets hate, but I never had a problem getting to the smelter demon, and past the first area, the switches are pretty isolated.

Any other ones I didn't remember/experienced differently?