I’m going to scream…
If I don’t orgasm today…
HLF 40 married to LLM 46 for 7 years together for 10. Had a come to Jesus talk with him earlier this year that i can’t continue like this. Sex every few months or less…when ideally I would like it every day or every other day. When we do it lacks intimacy and it’s always always me initiating and I’m so sick of it.
Things were getting a bit better…but it’s like if I don’t spell things out explicitly he will forget about it, like it’s not even on his mind. It’s been 2 weeks since we had sex and I’ve been super horny. I’ve been to the gym to try and work it off but it’s not the same.
On Saturday early evening when he got out of the shower I surprised him with blowjob…I went all in and he loooved it. We had to leave for a restaurant reservation soon after so that was all we had time but but I figured later or the following morning we would continue…but…no… this morning I got up, showered, put nice underwear on, and he’s walking around talking about a list of jobs he has to do…I wish I was one of them… fml