Dying is the most unfun thing in this game, is Valve going to fix this?
Every game is the same, it's gotten ridiculous. I'll be laning just fine in either Greenchur or Yellow (my two favorite colors) playing one of the reddit approved wholesome characters (Mo & Krill or Ivy with her 1 unbound). I'm shooting the enemy, hitting troopers, getting souls, what an awesome feeling. This is what DeadLock is all about.
Suddenly, the enemy Mcginnis uses her turret ability right in my face and it starts blasting me. Wtf? Why is she allowed to do that? Now I'm taking 10 damage per second from a 100 hp stationary NPC that LITERALLY has aimbot! Before I can run away, suddenly a giant wall appears right behind me. I could have sworn she used it 60 seconds ago, how is it already off cooldown? Now I'm completely caught out in the open as I had already used all my stamina bars to get to a dying creep (still missed the melee).
After getting relentlessly blasted by my unskilled lane opponent, I somehow manage to make it back to my guardian. I know I'm safe under its protective masculine legs because it recently got a 3% range buff. I couldn't have been more wrong, as suddenly I hear クソ死ねネズミ and my screen goes grey. Are you kidding me? How was I supposed to know Yamato was charging up an attack ability? I don't speak Japanese, she could have been wishing me a happy birthday for all I know.
Anyways, now I have to sit and do nothing for 20 seconds. I'm sorry, I thought I was playing a video game. What kind of game makes you sit there and do nothing? They should really look into reworking how dying functions. I think the best solution would be allowing you to kill the enemy but prevent you and your friendlies from dying. That way everybody can kill (most fun part of the game) but no one can die (least fun part of the game).