Life is subjective, inherent value and morality does not exist.

I have been trying my very best to understand life as of now. How people cry about loss and others cheer about losing the same thing. How death can be evil, yet justified by personal vendettas. It’s an idea of living and forgetting that I myself have tried to understand, it took me a long time to see why the human mind was so inconsistent.

I have come to understand there is no such thing as value, only subjective emotions that benefit our wants and desires. If it’s abortion, the death penalty, deportation or anything with morality based ideals, or you can see both sides of an unimaginative coin.

I go back to an old Arabic belief. For a long time, old pagan Arabs used to bury their daughters alive, a form of getting rid of the unwanted daughter. Muhammad got rid of this practice claiming it as shameful and disgusting (which it is). But I also understand this as piece of morality that goes so far, a far cry from the beheadings and stoning which were still deeply prevalent in Arab society.

The mind is fascinating, how we can fight and die on hills to save and let live and yet those same people fight for others to die. I don’t know if I believe in God, I’m leaning to maybe, but I do understand there is no such thing as good and evil. Just the morality we made up along the way.