Okay, look, I get it.

Rape game takes place in rape town USA, and everyone's last name is McRapey. But you cannot fucking play this game without save scumming. At least, you can't play it if you don't want your stats to be destroyed while just trying to get to the goddamn clothing store.

And trust me, I've been playing since at LEAST 0.2, definitely some time before, and yeah, it is better now. That being said, MY GOD. I've spent the last 15 minutes just trying to get home from the farm, but EVERY hitchhiker wants to rape my character. "You have to pay me 500 dollars" rapes me, reloads save, "Yeah I'll take you back to town!" thank god! *throws me into the back to get raped* GODDAMNIT. Loads save. Splashed with water, whatever, hitchhike, raped again.

I love this game to death, EASILY put more than a hundred hours into it, but the update that changed the way RNG works in this game (semi-set randomization, instead of complete randomization) just made every. single. thing. take SO much longer, for NO reason. People are going to save scum or they aren't (MOST do), and the change in RNG JUST effects the people that save scum. Hell, and the people that DON'T reload saves are doing it as a challenge. At this point, save scumming is a fundamental part of the game, because you just can't play it otherwise.

I'm not hating on Vrelnir or anything, and I don't hate the game, but it's really becoming more of a problem that seriously needs addressing.