New practitioner signs
Hi everyone. This is my first post here but have been a lurker for some time.
I’m a few months into my practice and have been pretty much meditating for communication rather than tangible requests. I focus primarily on Lucifer and while i haven’t been reading tarot long, I’ve always felt like the death card was a sign of him. Most times when I feel connected to Lucifer’s energy, I either begin or end with the death card. I typically end my communication asking if there is anything I should know or work on in this moment. during mediation I had a random thought pop into my head - use the occult tarot card to help identify the other entity with me. I shuffled my cards and pulled Bune’s card first. I asked the entity to pull the card again as a sign it was Bune, as I was shuffling Bune’s card fell out of the deck. Thinking this may be random, I placed it back in and continued shuffling. When I stopped the first card I pulled was Bune’s card again. I took this as confirmation. The following day o asked for Lucifer to be there while I attempted to communicate with Bune.
I shuffled my cards, asking for some sign I was on the right path. The first card of the shuffled deck was the death card, a card that frequently shows up as a sign of Lucifer. The next card was the 9 of cups, a success card and the the card was the sun card (Bune’s card from the occult tarot deck). Honestly I got full body chills. The tarot reading was very insightful, a focus on financial improvement. And moving energy to more worthwhile results.
I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.