Toxic future in laws
I’m not desi, my fiance is
My fiancé and I live together, for the past year his mom has been creating havoc on the idea of him marrying me, when he proposed to me, he had to hide it from her. she gave constant ultimatums “it’s either her or me”. I met her once early in the relationship for an hour and I was forbidden from stepping into her house or to any of his family events. she would go through Google to search my name and see what she could find, went through my social medias. Made problems over nothing for example: she had a problem over me wearing a crop top or for a RE-tweet I posted 5 years ago that said “I can’t wait to use my future husband’s card to buy him his own birthday gift” it was a joke.. apparently a retweet from 5 years ago was concerning. I’m 27 now and she has dissected and tried to find anything even if it was from my early 20s to judge me and prove that I’m not fit for her son or to be a part of his family .
Because we were going through with the wedding regardless, she took a step back, my fiancé defends me at moments but in others he lets her get to his head. Any fight we had in our relationship was a result of his mother.
It’s now 2 months before the wedding. Our parents were suppose to meet a long time ago ( according to his culture.) my parents have been patient and waiting for the past year. Unfortunately it never happened and the idea was tossed, my future MIL and FIL decided that now… 2 months before the wedding.. it’s something that should be done. And that it has to be asap , my fiancé said it had to be this week or the next the latest. I did get annoyed and offended that we have to be on their parent’s time and they set the tone. I had a back and forth with my fiance after I asked my parents if Thursday was okay to meet his parents.. then my fiance changed it and said Friday is better for his father.. I called my parents and they said okay. THEN his dad and my fiance had a chat on the phone and Said next week is better on Friday.
My fiance told me he’s okay with making it happen this Friday because inside he knows I’ve made a big deal about not respecting our time and schedules. But still tried to ask if next week would be available for my parents, but that also my parents need to go to his parents house the day after the first meeting and meet with all his extended family (about 25 people) that even I haven’t met. My parents do not speak good english and I would be translating for both days. I told him I’m not comfortable with 2 meetings and one should be enough to meet his cultures expectations . Even though I found the whole situation stupid and messed up, this resulted in a back and forth. I hit my peak and yelled “F*** your parents, I’ve had enough! Why do I have to submit to the will of people who don’t accept me” they also had a problem with meeting at my mothers house and not my dads house I was just so pissed! I know I shouldn’t have yelled that but I’ve had enough!
he told me to pack my things and get out . And called off the wedding . Am I wrong for crossing the line ?