So many missed opportunities in this Dawning event

All of the 4 seasonal events feel horrible, old and sometimes like a downgrade from a previous version. Dawning, while being the oldest one, is the only event who has suffered from lack of new big implementations since Beyond Light where Bungie added the snowballs (and yeah, snowballs aren't the big deal neither).

Outside of baking and delivering cookies and the thematic Tower, there is nothing else that calls or reassemble Christmas, except for snowballs that, as I said, not a big deal. But, what if it was a big deal?

I don't know, something like: - Vanguard Strikes having snowball spots where you can grab them for free. Call me crazy but, didn't we had this before and somehow got removed? - Crucible game mode: Snowball Fight. Maybe a modified Elimination with Snowballs? - Gambit: spawn snowball spots whenever you summon a Primeval or something, or do some kind of Grinch High-value target that steal motes rather than running around the map. - Onslaught: replace decoys for snowmans, turrets that shoot snowballs. - Maybe obtain some gifts in return by playing ritual activities rather than having an RNG for them. - Dawning weapons creating a snowball instead of a dawning gift pickable as part of the effect of the origin trait. - Cookies for Archie, Luzaku, Eido, Mithrax, Clovis Bray big head on Europa, even some meme cookies as the Riven one but with other bosses. - Vendor Emblems granted by giving insane amounts of cookies on a vendor in a single week - And more...

It is sad to see how the game is right now, and feels bad to see that Bungie doesn't even care enough to do the bare minimum: we just got a copy-paste from last year, a new cookie to bake, and somehow with more bugs while being the same event over and over since Beyond Light.